Mr. Kudjo Fianoo pen down congratulations message to elected leaders and his vice Chairman who will succeed him as Chairman for the next four years.
below is Mr. Fianoo message to the winners and the unsuccessful candidates.
Good morning, GHALCA Family.
The old order changeth, yielding place to new.
We were at the polls yesterday and we chose a new team to lead our Association.
To the winners, I say congratulations. To those who couldn’t make it, I say better luck next time but let us not forget that the overall winner is GHALCA.
Please allow me to take this opportunity to thank you for having me as your leader for the past 8 years. Thank you for your support and prayers.
In the course of our journey, some bones might have been broken and some flesh torn.
I will be quick to say that those mishaps weren’t deliberate and I apologise for that.
While acknowledging the shortfalls, we have to celebrate the high points too.
Thanks and God bless you all.